When I opened my package and found these two lovely pieces of mohair were my "feebies" I was thrilled.

My son Brendan was impressed too. "Can I have them since they were free?" he asked. (He made a lovely bear last year and has been wanting to make another.)
"No, I need to make bears for my show," I replied.
"Well can you at least make me a bear with them?"
"Maybe," I told him. Then I asked, "Do you mean two bears, or one bear with both furs?"
"One with both," he said, and then he proceeded to describe a bear with mostly the orange, with a golden tummy and snout. Brendan has always been one of the greatest fans of my Teddy Bears. He loves them all and very often asks when he sadly watches me pack and ship the bears off to their new homes, "Will you make one like that for me someday?" My reply is usually the same. Maybe. In reality, I have made Brendan only one bear--the one I made for him when he was a newborn. But I don't say maybe to tease him. I really do want to make bears for him, but there are always shows and orders on the horizon, now is no different, and well...it never seems to happen.
"Yes, I'll make your bear," I suddenly decided. "I can design a new pattern for my show, and I can give you the prototype." I felt like this was a great idea. A prototype is not something I usually do, but this way I would not really have to stop working on show bears...the design would be for the show! Brendan liked the idea too, and he loves his little bear! He is naming him Peanut.

I think I'd have called him Marmalade because of his coloring, but Brendan has his reasons for the name he picked as well.

Next up, more big polar bears and something small and pink! Keep watching!