The Blooming Bear Show, is in full bloom now. This online Teddy Bear show started at 8:ooam EST and will continue until 9:00pm EST tomorrow. Follow the link to the right of this post to visit 75 artists for all over the world. Here are some spring creations which are still available on my page at the show.
Remember that alpaca fur I dyed green? Here's Puck!
And for something completely different, here are the Easter Chicks!
I have been a busy bear maker and I am happy to say I have four bears ready and three tiny surprises for the Blooming Bear online Teddy bear show coming up next weekend. I can't show you all of them now, but I can show you my preview bear Aiden. Here he is!
If you follow the link to the right of this blog post you can have a sneak peek at one bear from each of the 75 worldwide artists exhibiting! Be sure to mark your calendars and come back next weekend to see all of the show bears!