I have had some creative time though, working on special orders still and playing a little at doll sculpting when I have a chance. I've also been a tiny bit distracted.
Let me intruduce my tiny distraction.
This is Missy.

This is Missy in the dollhouse (or Bear house)

Missy is a delightful little distraction who came to me from one of my students. Even though she is still quite small she's already twice the size she was when I brought her home, and her little body is taking on the proportions of a cat. And when ever this miniature cat walks by me I cannot resist scooping her up for a snuggle. If she is tired, she will reward me with a rumbling purr, and sometimes fall asleep in my arms or lap. If she is "busy" she will let me pet her for a little while then wriggle away to chase her toy mouse, a water bottle lid, or her "big brother" Cinder. The whole family adores her. Well,not all of us "adore" her, I guess. Cinder, our older male cat, simply tollerates her. She wants so badly to play with him and he'd rather just lay around.
Missy loves to be where the action is even when the action is simply setting up a photograph of my latest bear. Do you see the gray bur on the right side of this photo?

What was that? Oh, there she is!

The bear is Mickey, a special order for a collector who collects only black and tan bears. I am so pleased with the way he turned out, but black bears are such a challenge to photograph--even without a tiny gray kitten streaking in and out of the photo tent! Mickey got his name because, before I airbrushed him, he reminded me of a certain famous mouse!

I think this outdoor shot of him is a little better. What do you think?

My head is filled with project ideas (as always) and summer is on it's way, so watch this space for more updates.
By the way, if you are interested in seeing my work in person, please visit me in Archbold, Ohio in August for the Sauder Village Doll and Teddy Bear Show and Sale Hope to see you there!
What a gorgeous bear( as always) Tami. I also adore your new kitty. Missy is just the cutest, most playful looking little fluff ball :)
I just love your bear Mickey! He's gorgeous. I know how hard it is to photograph black bears--ugh. But yes, the outdoor photo is great. I have to love the pic of him with Missy, though. She is adorable! I so miss having a kitty. We had three gray cats when I was growing up: first there was Smokey, and then there were Smokey II and Bandit. :-)
What beautiful bears and Missy is absolutely adorable!!!!! Lovely to have an update Tami!
Oh Tami, Mickey is gorgeous, but Missy is adorable and I have to admit, the live ones pull at my heart strings. We haven't had a kitten for so very long. We did adopt an adult cat a few months ag, named Tiger and although our other male, Thumper, was miffed he will now baths Tiger and they really get along quite well - I'm sure he is glad of the company. The old boy will come around - you'll see!
Hi Tami. Missy is adorable. There isnt anything cuter than a kitten. How sweet she is. Mickey is a handsome guy as well. Great job. I just wanted to stop by and say hello.... happy creating, gail
Tami I just love your new bear Mickey!!! I may actually get to see him in person as your collector is my favorite person at my post office!!!!
Missy is simply adorable!! My favorite picture is the one you can't really see her in, but the blur behind Mickey. It really shows her personality :)
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