Once there was a mouse trapped inside a cardboard box. She wanted to get out, so she chewed a bit here and a bit there, trying to make a hole in the box, and made small holes all over the box until she finally chewed one big enough to get out!
Once there was another mouse trapped in a box. This mouse wanted to get out so she chewed and chewed in the same spot, and in no time at all she had made a hole large enough to get out of the box. The End
Of course it is pretty easy to see the lesson in the story, but try as I might to change my ways, I am the first little mouse! It would probably be more time efficient to begin one project, and only work on that one project until I had it finished. But I always end up working on several things at once!
Here are some things I have been working on--and even a couple that are finished!!!
A Sailboat Make Over
You may recall Edward Bear, the young sailor from an earlier post this month. He was going to have a sailor-boy doll, but he asked me instead to give him a little sailboat to play with. I found three lovely sailboats at Hobby Lobby, but I wanted the colors to match Edward's collar. So, I took the boat apart and painted the sails and the hull.

A Ball-Jointed Doll Head
When I was planning to make a doll for Edward Bear, I started to sculpt this head. But she didn't want to be a sailor boy. She came out cute, but she wants a posable ball-jointed body! (She will have to be patient, because I am still working on bears for orders and shops!)

Little Floppies
Yes, I am doing more of these cuties! Some for orders some for shops!

Two V.I.P.s (Very Important Pandas, that is.)
I have had a number of special commissions from collectors recently and two were one of a kind pandas. One bear was sent to his new home before I had a chance to photograph him, but Raphael had a chance to pose. He will meet his new mom on Monday.

I had better get back to work on all my projects!
Hi Tami!!
It's always such a treat popping in on your blog to see what amazing things you're up to. You never fail to disappoint. You're truly remarkable!! You know, I don't think I congratulated you on your TOBY nomination.....CONGRATULATIONS!!! Well deserved!!
Warmest bear hugs, Aleta
Psssst. Bless you for peeking in on my blog and for signing up on my giveaway! More hugs, Aleta
How lovely to share your 'in progress' projects Tami. Such beautiful work and well worth waiting for!
Your little floppies are some of my very favorite bears. Maybe someday when I can earmark some money I'll be able to have one! :-)
I have been out of the bear world for a while because I am plum out of time and my eyes are not cooperating after I work all day, but I hope to do some sewing this summer. I am amazed that you are finding time to make your wonderful bears, my dear! Come visit my blog (non-bear-focused) if you like to see what our summer holds!
Bear hugs,
New Avenue Crew
Oh, yes, and congratulations on your TOBY!! :-)
What beautiful work you do Tami .... your bears are so wonderful.
I don't know when you find the time with your
teaching position and a busy family life.
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