At the moment my studio is a shambles though! For hubby's 40th birthday we redecorated our basement family room and bought a big screen TV. Guess where we moved all the old furniture and the kids toys and stuff--my studio of course! The furniture is now out, but my floor and tables littered with bins and boxes of the kids things that we haven't decided what to do with yet. Today's project is to get it all put away so I can get back to the fun stuff.
Lastly, I thought I'd post a new picture of my studio cat, Missy, to share how much she has grown up! (and to add some visual interest to this post) She is a year old and we love her so much. Cinder has learned to love her too. He lets her lick his ears and head.

And to give Cinder equal time... here is a picture of him engaged in his favorite pastime-- snuggling with my husband, Sean. AAAAW Cute! If Sean sits down, Cinder is in his lap!

1 comment:
Hi Tami!
I just found your blog, I wonder if you remember making "BIG CINDER" with claws????? I'm his mom.....I have a picture of him on my blog as a matter of fact, I just put him up today. You have such a nice blog, Ill be back to look again. By the way, that's how my husband looks except he usually has three cat's sleeping on him.......take care, Jennifer
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