I created this Teddy Bear Ornament pattern to make a special gift for a friend and to use with the 2nd Annual Teddy Talk Christmas Ornament Exchange. I made three of these and enjoyed it so much I thought it would be great to give a gift to ALL of my online Teddy Bear friends. So here is the pattern!It is quite simple, but the directions assume that you have some experience making Teddy Bears or stuffed animals. Merry Christmas, My Friends!
This ornament is really lovely and it is even more lovely of you to share the pattern!
On another note, I have tagged you Tami... Shelli tagged me earlier this week to share 5 random facts about myself and link to 5 people's blogs. It is a great way that I can direct more people to you as I think you are so very talented. You can find the rules for this little blogger's game on http://ellen-borggreve-design.typepad.com/my_weblog/2007/12/tagged.html
Hugs, Ellen
OK, third time's a charm. Not having any luck posting a comment on this very cute little fellow! But in case this one shows up.......... thanks so much for sharing this pattern with us! As soon as the holidays are over, I'm gonna give this one a try! See ya Friday!!!
By the way, you are way talented, Girlie!!!!
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